Piercing take 2

So, off I went to Into You and had my cock’s frenulum (or frenum for you American readers) pierced. It was pretty painful. Apparently I yelled "gaaaaaaaaaah! FUCK!" at the top of my voice – louder than Sir has ever heard me before. A guy waiting upstairs for his piercing apparently heard it as well, and called me a wuss… Once the piercing itself was over that was pretty much it. Walking has been a bit difficult and it aches a bit but nothing dramatic. I took the bandage off to go for a piss when I got home and there was a bit of blood. The day after is supposed to be the worst for pain, so I’ll let you know how that goes. Erk.


Just off to get my frenulum pierced! Back a bit later with a full report :)
Apologies for the lack of posts, but being without ADSL at home has its drawbacks…

Piss Pics

Another piss pic dug out of the archive for you today :) It joins the other ones up in the gallery.

Berlin Pics!

We’ve just got back from a rather nice stay in the RoB appartments. Some fab pics are up in the gallerythe most recent 5.
The place was good; playroom excellent. The staff there were great (and cute!) :)
For future refernce, the contents of the toy box are:
– 5 VHS & 4 DVD porn films
– Pair of ankle restraints
– Pair of wrist restraints
– Slave collar
– 20m rope (as one piece)
– Rubber truncheon (ouch!)
You’ll want to take your own rubbers + lube – RoB sell poppers in the store although they’re a bit expensive I think.

Not much

Well, the past couple of days have been quiet on the fun front, not through choice though. As all pups who aren’t lucky enough to also be houseboys know, we have to earn our keep on the monetary front as well! Hence the necessity to work at weekends sometimes (especially if like me, you work in IT).
We’ve also had the bombshell dropped on us that our landlord is moving back to the UK and consequently won’t be renewing our lease, so the great house hunt begins before we become homeless in three months. Fingers crossed for somewhere with hooks in the ceiling and a wet room then… :)
The only ray of light is that the electro stuff should arrive on Monday or Tuesday, and then we’re off having lots of fun in Berlin. Yum!

Fisting First

Yesterday, my master graciously allowed me to play with another boy, although this time I was trying out my topping skills :) The only stipulation was that I wasn’t allowed to cum, which was fine.
The boy has a very hungry hole and wanted lots of big toys. I secured him in the sling and offered him a gas mask full of poppers – which he’d never tried before (and I think he loved!). I put some porn on, then opened him up with our inflatable ass balloon, and got him pumping himself up as I sucked him off.
After a while, we swapped to our biggest plug, which we call the “christmas tree”, as it’s very long and has three ever expanding sections to it. That went in no problem (I cannot take it all yet!).
After a break, I slipped on a pair of gloves, and lubed his hole up with plenty of boy butter and my fist slid in :) It felt pretty good to me (and to him!) as I rotated my hand around and then punch fucked him.
So, I’ve fisted someone for the first time – which is good, it was nicely to learn on such a pretty boy with such a nice hole :) It just remains for me to get a fist up me now!

Training Update

When we got back from Hard On on Sunday morning, I promised my master that I would totally change my behaviour. Up until now, it has definitely been a more “regular” relationship (which is good), but I am determined to be a good slave boy to my master.
From now on, I always address him as “Sir” – although there have been a few slip ups. I hope my master always corrects me if I make mistakes though :) Yesterday was the first full day of the new slave Loki and it was very enjoyable – every time I said Sir or Master it made me feel really good (contented in fact) – and not just in a horny way :)
I took more pleasure from servicing my master’s cock last night and ensuring that not a drop of cum was spilt as I sucked him off than many other things. After I was done, my master graciously allowed me to cum also, however I would have been more than content in simply curling up at his feet.


Having gone to the SMGays night at the hoist last week (and not actually tried anything), my master & I have bought a remote control electro unit :)

The great thing is, that as you can remotely trigger it, it will be great for my training. We also got a bi-polar butt plug attachment and a cock strap to go with it, so my master will have great fun in shocking me when I misbehave!

Hard On

Last night myself, my Master and a friend of ours went out to Hard On for the first time and had a pretty good time. Met a load of our friends there as well which was nice, and had a very horny time all kitted out in our finest rubber attire :)
The club itself was a bit of a letdown perhaps, quite crowded (so a bigger venue would have been better) and definitely needed a lot more play space – only two slings somehow didn’t cut it. Fucking in a toilet and at the side of the play area (because you literally couldn’t move or breath in it) wasn’t all that great either :(
I reckon we’ll be back as there were a few number of cute boyz there – definitely an infinitely greater number than the hoist anyway! But if anyone knows of a better venue…

New toys!

Have got a couple of new arse toys from MEO this week :)
This first is called the “Ass Balloon” and is like an inflatable butt plug thing. Can’t wait to try it!

The other thing is a new butt plug – it’s a bit bigger than I was expecting, but I reckon I’m in need of something a bit more filling anyway :)

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