1 month on

Today is the one month anniversary of my frenulum piercing. Went for a checkup appointment and they were very satisfied :)
I’ve had the barbell replaced with a slightly shorter one and that’s made it a lot more comfortable. All in all, everything is 95% back to normal, so bring on the random shags!
I’ll post some newer pics tomorrow or at the weekend. Oh, and of our new rubber sleepsack :p

Model Pervert

I’ve decided to advertise myself for all your fetish modelling needs :) http://fetishlad.com/model-alex/index.htm A bit odd, but I think it might be fun. I guarantee that any money I make will go to the house deposit and buying charity.

Day 14

Two weeks it is then! Overall, it’s made pretty good progress – no ooze, blood, scabs or any other nasties. The fistula is starting to form quite nicely and although it’s (obviously) a little tender at times things are 80% back to normal I think.
The main problem is still that the bar is just a little bit too long and ends up twisting round to fit which can make it rather uncomfortable. I’ve had to adjust my wanking style somewhat for now as well and it isn’t all that comfortable either – but better than abstinance!
Don’t forgot to pick up a copy of Boyz tomorrow will you ;)

Pretty bondage pup #1

In my last post I mentioned we’d played with a very cute pup. He’s agreed to having his pics put up – if you want to contact him, drop us a line and we’ll pass it on.

Day 10

All looking good today :) My master had a very, very cute bondage boy over again today – after pleasuring the boy for my master, he gagged and blindfolded me and locked my hands behind my back. This is all because playing with my cock is still too painful :(
The boy also brought one of these over:

Guinea Pig

I’ve agreed to get tied up, all for demonstration purposes only of course, at the next SM Gays night in a couple of weeks. It’s a hard life :)
Catch me and hopefully my master there (although he won’t be doing all of the tying!).
As a sneak preview, there might be something about us in next week’s edition of “Boyz” gayper/magazine thing in the UK. Comes out a week today…

Day 8

Still a bit sensitive but that’s normal I guess, but getting better all the time. The barbell is definitely too long as it keeps on twisting round in an uncomfortable way in order to fit under my foreskin…
Doing good though!

Day 6

This morning, I decided to have a wank. Well, it was getting pretty desparate! I was very gentle but still I was left with an exceptionally sore cock – fuck! It was feeling pretty good as well. Won’t be doing that again for a while…
As promised to someone, some pics of the piercing:

Day 5

Well, all I can say is that I’m gagging for it. I have a pretty high sex drive and it’s really torturing me! The plus side is that I can get a hard on without much pain or discomfort, it’s just that I can’t wank!
My master has promised to tie me up, stacks of poppers, apply electro to my cock and milk me for a while this evening to help my out. Yum!
As far as the piercing is concerned, the bruising has pretty much gone, and there’s no more bleeding. It’s just quite sore that’s all!

Day 2

I think it’s now been about 48 hours since my piercing. The first night was pretty rough – uncomfortable, and especially painful with the sensation of tearing when your morning stiffie occurs.
Yesterday day was also unpleasant, lots of bleeding (well, enough anyway), last night was much better thanks to the letters P and C – paracetamol and codeine. Today is getting better – it certainly still aches, partly that’s the bruising I suppose, but there’s not as much bleeding.
It does look quite nice though ;)

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