
Blindfolds are one of those things that have never really satisfied me, mainly because I can’t seem to find one that actually performs the job that it’s supposed to.

I guess the most efficient blinding device I have is the rubber hood with detachable blindfold, but it’s not always what you want for every scene. Amongst others, I have an inflatable rubber blindfold, but whilst it’s pretty good at stopping you from seeing; it does look pretty rediculous (you end up with a rubber ring round your head!) and can be a bit painful on the eyes, especially if you’re face down.

RoB have always done a leather blindfold, but I found the cut to be inadequate – it let light in where the bridge of your nose is. The fastening was also a bit difficult to put on; it uses a double buckle affair which has the advantage of not digging into the back of your head but is a bit difficult to put on in a hurry.

On my recent trip to Amsterdam, I paid a visit to the big RoB shop there in a search for the perfect blindfold. I did find the best yet, however it’s still not perfect… It’s essentially a refinement of the older design, that’s cut better around the nose and has a bit more padding over the eyes:

The lighter grey is the old design, the darker grey is the new one. Not a great difference, but it’s sufficient to actually make it work now!

The slightly fiddly fastening is still there, but you can’t have everything I suppose!


Whilst I was over in the Netherlands last week, I had my first experience of double fisting someone. I’ve fisted guys before and I was keen to get fisted myself, but I’ve now had a week to reflect on the experience, and here’s what I think: fisting doesn’t really do it for me.
Yup, you heard it – I’ve pretty much gone off it, both as the fister and the fistee. And it’s got very little to do with the guy I was fisting last week, he was merely the catalyst.
Sure, there’s something different about having your hand up someone’s arse, but it doesn’t really feel nice. Plus there’s the ickier side of it… As for taking a fist, it bloody well hurts, not to mention the fact it’s probably not all that good for you to have an arse size suitable for the storage of airships.
My outlook on arse play is now this:
– Bigger is not necessarily better, if it hurts, it’s not nice.
– Cocks are better than silicone rubber.
– I’ll continue to play with toys and stuff, and as and when I graduate to something bigger, so be it.
– If I manage to get a fist in sometime, great as well, but I’m not desperate.

3 months of a piercing

It’s now been three months to the day since I’ve have my frenulum piercing.
All is pretty much fine; the occasional twinge every now and then and the odd bad night/day, but only when I’ve overdone it a bit or had someone else playing with it!
I had a look at my piercing today with the aim of stretching it up (I recently bought a taper and a new piece of jewelery to do it), but it’s really quite snug fitting, so I decided to leave it a bit before going down that route.
My master suggested I take it out if I’m unhappy, but I’m going to persevere for a bit longer. The idea of that chastity device still appeals ;)

Buy me!

I saw this stockade restraint thing on someone else’s profile today and thought, I’ve got to have one!
The only place I’ve seen it so far is at Extreme Restraints, but they’re in the US. Anyone seen one for sale in Blighty?

New Toy

Picture of our new rubber hood from Fetteed Pleasures. It’s very fun with blindfold and gag, integrated collar and lace up back. Yum :)

Piercing follow up

I’ve just realised that last Wednesday marked the two month anniversary of my frenulum piercing.
All is progressing swimmingly – I think the fistula is nearly complete and the jewellery is quite loose in the piercing hole. I do get the odd twinge now and again, and one side of the frenulum itself is a little sore still, but pretty good on the whole.
I’m waiting another month and then I think I’ll get it stretched up a gauge size (you never know, I might even be able to stick the new barbell in straight off); and then I’ll get that chastity tube I’ve been hankering after!

Dog days

Yesterday evening I had been wearing my collar around the house, doing the dinner and so on.
Sir & I went to bed and I fell asleep in my collar – for the first time in my life I slept incredibly soundly with it on and work up feeling very pup like.
I serviced my master (he did not allow me to cum of course, but played with my balls and spanked my arse) and then made him tea. I felt very satisfied.

My favourite shop

Having been shopping in the fantastic Fettered Pleasures yesterday, I’ve learnt that Islington Council are requiring them to obtain a sex shop license.
Not only does this cost £11,500 for the application, but then there’s all the costs and restrictions that go with it – like the requirement to have a second door inside the shop, not opening on Sundays and the restrictions on keeping alcohol on the premises. And that assumes they get it – if they apply & fail, they have to close down straight away.
The craziest thing of all though is the reason they’re required to obtain a license in the first place. OK, they sell items of a sexual nature but although ropes and chains are counted as sexual; hoods, blindfolds and sensory deprevation items aren’t! If they rebranded as an ironmongers, I think they’d get away with it.
I really, really think this country needs to have a serious redrafting of this most rediculous relic of Victoriana.


This pup has noticed that some people are using RFC breaking personal firewalls (probably Norton Personal Firewall) that masks the referring URL in an attempt at “personal privacy”.
As this site uses technology to stop hotlinking of images, you’ll find it doesn’t display at all for you.
This pup humbly suggests you disable this “feature”.

Chastity Fun

A weekend of perversity I think :)
On Sunday, I went up to play with two chastity “slaves” who are mutual keyholders for each other. Had a fabulous time with ChainedMale and Boi C – I hope they did too :)
Got to try on a few different bits of chastity gear, as well as being chained up and played with. Woof :) I’m now a little torn in my choice of chasity device:
– Go for a belt design:
These do look and feel exceptionally horny, but I think are possibly too bulky to wear (for me at least) and cost a fortune. I’m sure if I found the right design, the former problem wouldn’t be too big a deal.
– Go with my original idea of a chastity tube:
Smaller, easier to wear and to some extent, more secure. Not as expensive (c.$300 perhaps) and more to the point, that’s why I had my piercing done…
I’ve convinced myself – I reckon that once I’ve stretched my piercing up a guage size that I’ll go for the tube option. And then, maybe, a belt :)

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