
I’ve recently been mulling over getting a tattoo – not that I’ve mentioned it to anyone yet, let alone my master. This is the first public outing.

I don’t want any ordinary tattoo either – I want something that shows I’m owned. Collars are great, but they’re uncomfortable to wear, or at least sleep in, and they do rather show at work (I wear t-shirt and jeans normally).

I have a Slave Register Number – 000-275-771, and I want to work this into my ownership tattoo. Firstly, the slave register themselves have my number in barcode form:


Secondly, I can take the same number and just create a regular EAN barcode (the 2672 designates that this code is an internal or private one – therefore, I can be sure I’m not labelled as a tin of beans or something):


Lastly, I could create a pawprint and append the slave register number beneath it (use your imagination for the number). This has the added advantage of conveying my puppy side as well, but is less "objectified":


 I’m thinking of a combination of 1 & 3, so something like:


But maybe with a bit of tweaking and on a slightly cuter scale. Thoughts in the comments if you would be so kind :)

Kink more pervasive than we thought?

The Great British Sex Survey

An interesting little titbit:

When asked have I tied someone up or been tied up during sex? 58% of men and 62% of women answered yes.

Maybe all those Ann Summers shops on UK high streets are to blame :)

Winter holiday of perve

Have just finished sorting out the arrangements to stay in Berlin over the winter holidays. We have a lovely apartment which comes with a large playroom :)

So, anyone who wants to play in December in Berlin – let us know!

5 months

Just a couple of days late in writing this up, but the 5 months mark has passed. Not had any troubles whatsoever in the last few weeks, although it’s stil not stretched up enough.

Maybe at the 6 months stage I’ll go and ruin it by putting a larger piece of metal in!

A ban on “violent” porn?

BBC NEWS | UK | Ban on violent net porn planned

In the news this morning comes Government plans to make it illegal to posess pornography depicting "violence or pain". I’m all for the prohibition of material like bestiality and necrophilia, however I am seriously concerned that this impinges into the BD/SM world.

Within the UK, we have draconian laws regarding what may happen within the confines of a bedroom/playroom between two consenting adults. The main issue is how the law is phrased – you may not do anything if it results in marks or injuries which are more than "transient and trifling".

Therefore, a severe flogging that leaves bruises for a week may well be classed as an illegal assault. Mild CP that leaves a red arse for a few hours is unlikely to be considered as an assault. Bondage, mummification, watersports and shaving do not fall into these areas and are therefore considered "safe" activites.

I want to take a moment to point out that pain in general as well caning/whipping/flogging, needle play and the like don’t really float my boat, however there are many people who do enjoy them as part of a consensual relationship.

As an example, the Home Office discussion paper (available through the BBC, PDF format) mentions the following scene as something they want to put pay to:

5. It is not possible in a public
document like this to give a great deal of
graphic detail or description of the
material in question. However, we can say
that there are hundreds of internet sites
offering a wide range of material featuring
the torture of (mostly female) victims who
are tied to some kind of apparatus or
restrained in other ways and stabbed with
knives, hooks and other implements.

As well as:

...some material contains sexualised images of
women hanging by their necks from meat
hooks, some with plastic bags over their

"It is not possible in a public document like this to give a great deal of graphic detail" – perhaps not, but you’re going to have be graphic in the wording of your new law so as not to make such a mess as the current legislation regarding BD/SM.

I would humbly suggest that the current Victoriana of sexual offences should be reviewed before imposing "nanny state" (I hate that phrase, but it works here) legislation on a community that does no harm (except to each other ). How about this for a nice and easy starting point:

You can do what you want with whoever you want as long as it’s consenual.

Obviously children, animals and the dead aren’t covered , so I assume that pretty much drops us at the point we’re at now. Several hundered years of legislation condensed into one sentence. 

Coffee Cake and Kink?

Not a new themed branch of Starbucks apparently, but rather a coffee shop with a twist. Perhaps I should check it out the next time I happen to be in (horrible) town.

If you’ve been, leave a comment here won’t you.

New purchase

Purchased a rather nice new electro arse toy today – suitable for sphincter stimulation or for your prostate. As I’ve never had electro across the later, I’m looking forward to the nice feelings it’ll create :)

Musings on Fisting

Not so long ago, I kinda gave up on fisting (see one of my earlier postings).

We’re both members of a few of these profile sites (like Recon & Gaydar), and I’ve started to notice that more and more people are seriously into fisting. Perhaps they’re just saying that; but somehow I doubt it.

Five or even fewer years ago, even within the fetish scene, fisting was quite a niche activity. It was pretty much lumped in with people’s no no lists alongside scat and hanging…

Why is that so many people are now into it? Is it just the gradual increase of people’s perversity (and I mean that in a good way) or are people more influenced by those around them? Bit of both I guess.

4 months

It’s now been four months to the day that I had my piercing done.

Not a great to remark upon since the last time I posted about it, last week was a little uncomfortable; a bit of encrustation (eugh) that took a few days to fix, but all sorted now.

I did say that I’d leave it until the four month mark before trying to stretch up again, but after last week’s little set back I think I may want to leave it a little longer. The piercing is still quite tight, and I think that the stretch would do some damage and set me back a bit.

Until 5 months then!

Project Pig

Despite the dreadful name, Project Pig sounds as though it will be great fun – a huge BDSM party in an abandoned brewery Berlin – how perfect is that!?

Have fun if you’re going.

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