Pornography in the USA

Hot on the heels of the propsed UK legisalation comes word of a new crackdown over the pond.

The new attorney general has promised a new team and a huge wad of cash to investigate, not terrorists or governmental corruption and fraud, but internet porn. According to a leaked memo, this would mean any sites where the content "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior".

Again, the main point is that these sites feature those involved in consenting behaviour – I’m sure that kids are unable to just happen upon them either. If they do, then their parents should be taking responsibility in controlling their browsing, either through direct supervision or by using some parental control software (this site is labelled with the ICRA tags which work in most browsers without additional software).

Dearest Americans, may I just point out that the whole reason you left England in the first place was to escape religious dogma, not to setup a right wing Christian theocracy just over 200 years later.

[Originally from Ars Technica &]

A life changing experience?

Last night was rather eventful.

I met up with a Domme (female top for the uninitiated) who took me on a magical mystery tour of my inner psyche. It was rather emmotional – no doubt helped by lubrication with alcohol and some spliff.

The long journey has now started in order for me to find my inner submissivness. For a long time, I’ve been a pushy sub, always topping from the bottom. It’s going to change.

I did get in rather late last night (well, technically this morning) – in the past I’ve always complained at my Master for doing similar, that’s going to stop as well. It has been one of the biggest bones of contention in our relationship thus far.

I will certainly enjoy the tutorage of my’Lady (for that is how she is addressed) – there is no sex involved (obviously) so it is a purely BDSM relationship – sort of teacher and pupil if you will. My only concern is that I want need to be a good sub/slave/boi/pup/boyfriend to my Master, and this takes priority over anything else in my life.

I’m concerned that I will not be able to devote sufficient time to my’Lady’s service – I will obviously write an entry here each day as she has requested, but I doubt that I will be able to see her in person more than once a month for the moment. I know my’Lady understands that work and family are necessary requirements in life.

After last night, I have a lot of thinking and learning to do, and I could really do with some time to think it through fully.


Yesterday evening I spent most of the afternoon padlocked into my butt plug harness; but with an electro butt plug inserted and with electrodes attached to my cock and balls.

I love electro play, especially with our Eros Tek unit, which is remote controlled. It can either be very pleasurable or, as today, painful in varying degrees…

The Eros device has a training levels mode that delivers a mild shock when you push one button, a rather more painful one at the push of a second and a severely painful one that gets worse the longer you hold down the third button.

Sir took me out into the park in the afternoon (fully locked into the butt plug harness) and delivered a few mild shocks and then announced he wanted to see what would happen on the highest level. I think I yelped out loud a bit, but it definitely felt as if someone were squeezing my helmet very hard. My sphincter contracted around the electro butt plug quite painfully as well.

Thankfully Sir didn’t keep his finger on the button…

I wore the plug & harness all afternoon and early evening (about 5 hours in total) which was very nice – Sir occasionally administering shocks to chastise me, but more often for his amusement; as is his right of course :)

After I made Sir dinner, he suggested some hair removal with tweezers. I was strapped down onto the bed, but even some k didn’t help with the pain; it was quite unpleasant. After a while of my moaning through the gag, Sir stopped, flipped me over and used the electro gear on a more pleasurable setting…

Puppy Posters

Following on from the SM whipping and cutting Diesel jeans advert, a poster with 12 lovely naked, collared and leashed men has been banned from London Underground poster sites. Shame I couldn’t find a bigger picture:


[Originally from the BBC]

BDSM Adverts

Apparently there’s a 10m high version of this poster (that you can find up on Diesel’s website) in London.

For those that can’t see the image, it has a very pretty boy tied up with two girls playing naughts and crosses on his naked back by whipping the shapes into him. Wouldn’t mind a go myself!

This would, of course, be an illegal SM activity under UK law.

Project Pig

Having mentioned it in one of my earlier posts, I was slightly jealous of all those that went because of the amazing venue, however looking at the Project Pig Gallery, I’ve changed my mind.

Not one of the bevvy of rubber & leather clad blokes were attractive it seems – isn’t that pretty much always the case on the fetish scene these days?

Pup Loki Shop!

Just a bit of a diversion at the moment, but the Pup Loki Shop is now up and running.

For now, all I have to offer is a rather splendid Poppers Delivery System, but hopefully it’ll branch out into a few other related items eventually.

Puppy Muzzle

What do you think of this muzzle from Pretty Pervy? It’s a good cute likeness and emphasises the puppy aspects (leaving room for a hood and collar) without costing the earth like the Mr. S leather doggy hood.


Interesting Rubber Retailers

Thought I’d do a quick round up of some of the better rubber retailers I’ve come across of late – mostly as an aide-memoire but helpful to some I’m sure.

Kinky Clothes
Someone told me about this place – they do a good line in hood, masks and breath control gear, as well as some interesting rubber items.

Just for a change, a range of boyz rubber gear that isn’t run of the mill. They do their own stuff plus lines by the likes of Skin Two and TG. Have a shop up in Camden.

Invinvible Rubber
Good value basic items, plus some more interesting items, including great coloured rubber designs.

Tattoo Design – Take 2

How about this for a second take?


It was posed in a comment in my first posting about where I’d have it placed; somewhere visible or not? Firstly, I’ll have to explain that I can’t have it done on my arse or legs – due to my Crohn’s disease, I have a lot stretch marks there. Having it on my stomach is probably a bad idea due to, er, future expansion…

This leaves my arms, my shoulder blades or my flanks really. Here, have a handy diagram:

It was also asked – why? Not sure, I like the idea of being marked as my Master’s property, but I don’t want something as twee as "Sir’s Boi" or something. The barcode is advantageous because it lends itself to the objectification of me as a slave but it’s also Master independent, not that I have any intention of changing Masters!

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