Lycra Suit Pics

Just back from the lovely pervy city that is Berlin. I took my newly bought lycra suit with me and took some pics with it, so hurry off to the gallery :)


We happen to be in Berlin over Christmas, from Wednesday this week.

As normal we’re staying in the playroom-equipped RoB apartments, so drop us a line if you fancy playing :)

Lycra / Zentai Suit

Woohoo! I’ve just received my new black PVC coated suit from AndyE.

I got one with hands & feet, but no hood – I figured that was pushing my interest in breath control a little too far :)

My first impressions are that it’s not at all like a rubber suit – the material is a little strange (it makes a slightly odd crinkling noise as you move around!), but the look is superb; very shiney!

Looking forward to wearing and playing in it – hopefully I’ll get some pics of it in use ;)

New purchase

Having felt rather under the weather of late, I’ve gone out and bought myself a new Lycra (Zentai) suit.

Having fancied the pants of Andy of AndyELycra fame, I’ve decided to buy a custom made suit of his – the price is pretty good, and I’ve picked a very horny black PVC coated suit.

I shall post some pics when I get it!


BBC NEWS | Teenager died after lip piercing

Remember to get your piercing done somewhere proper, won’t you :)

Site problems

Apologies for the unavailability of the site today – some issues with the content caused, er, problems at work.

So – apologies for the disappearence of a load of photos and some tweaking of content.

Training Collar

Not quite what I expected, but this training collar emits a spray of citronella oil when your puppy starts barking…


Site update

I’ve added CAPTCHAs to the commenting system to try and prevent comment spam (it’s really getting out of hand).

Hopefully it won’t be too inconvenient!

The decision is made

I’ve decided to get my tattoo done on my left upper arm.

I figured that having it done on my shoulder blade would be much more painful, difficult for me to see and liable to get covered in lots of old man hair in later life…

Next step: discuss the design with Into You.

6 months

Just a couple of days over the 6 months mark of my piercing now, and all is going rather swimmingly.

No real problems and the piercing hole is starting to stretch up a bit now as well – perfect!


Still not progressed any further with my tattoo idea as yet; I don’t think it would be very sensible to rush into it. I’m going to chat with my GP next week about it just to clear it, but having had the piercing I don’t think it will be a major issue. Then, I’ll sort out a time to go and discuss with Into You.

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