Collaborative Linking

As someone asked for this, now you’ve got it.

There’s now a links section that should contain all the links from across the site stuck together. It also allows you (yes, you!) to contribute your own that you think other might like.

Get linking :)

3 days in

Surprisingly I’m doing ok on the PEP – I’m a little bit tired, but I suspect that to be a lack of sleep more than anything else. I’m a bit painful in my gut due to a bit of gas (ahem!) and a little nauseous but nothing too bad.

I’m currently distracting myself by writing some collaborative bookmarking stuff for the site :)

Silly Puppy

HIV is one of those taboo subjects. Everyone keeps very quiet about it and no one wants to talk about it. When you visit a sexual health clinic, your records are kept totally separate from your normal hospital records, nothing is ever sent to your GP and you’re forever refering to yourself by number and not your name.

I’ve just experienced some of the most petrifying few days of my life so far, and all because I’m a fucking stupid idiot. Everyone has said that it was an accident and that these things happen, but no, I’m just a stupid fucking idiot.

On Thursday evening I went to play with someone – all great. What’s not so great is that a condom may not have been used for a period of time. And that the guy’s HIV+. But I only found the last bit out until afterwards.

Cue five hours in the John Hunter clinic on Friday morning with lots of swabbing and blood letting to get PEP. Cue 28 days of feeling fucking awful. Divine punishment I suppose…

My boyfriend / master is taking it well – on the outside at least. I’m more worried about him than me at the moment; all throughout Friday I was sat thinking about him and not me. The counsellors asked whether this was a bad time for this to happen to me (is there a good one?) – for me, no. For him, yes.

For fuck’s sake, I am stupid – these things don’t happen to people who aren’t filthy slutty perverts do they? Of course, even if I wanted to play I don’t really feel like it right now and I doubt I’ll be such a serial slag even if I get the all clear 3 months down the line.

Keep your fingers, toes and paws crossed for me won’t you?


It seems the police raided a house in the north-east of England yesterday following reports of a woman being held against her will – turns out it was a master / slave scene…

Take a look at the BBC for more, or visit the Sun for the use of words like "BIZARRE!" and "DEPRAVED!". Your choice :)


Play with SM Top

I’ve had a couple of sessions with a fabulous top who lives close to me now, and the results are up in the gallery :)


He’s a pretty no nonsense sort of top and I’ve taken away a few scenes / attitudes to use at home; kinda like a tutor :)

Making a dildo of yourself

You see, we’re not the only ones who do it – porn "stars" have to do it as well so that their studios can sell replicas to the public that you can enjoy whilst watching their films:

Speaking of which, I have all the materials to make a mould of myself now as well so I’ll try and do that soon. Pics when I do :)

10% discount at Pup Loki’s Shop

Until the end of May, get 10% off at the shop, just enter slapmehard in the coupon box when you checkout :)

Big Brother Norway / Sweden

Now why couldn’t we have Scanidc muscle boys being sucked off on ours? The ratings would be astronomical:

(Clicky for bigger)


Collar Take 2

Despite having some troubles with my steel collar last time around, I’ve decided to give it another go. If I come out in a horrible rash then I definitely have a nickel allergy; if not, then it was just coincidence.

You have to be scientific about these things :)

New pics

Only the two sadly – dug out from an old CD

loki playing with mutt

loki playing with mutt

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