Very funny

"found bound, gagged and naked apart from sado-masochistic sex accessories"

Bad puppy

Sorry for the distinct lack of activity of late. We’re getting married a week today so things have been a bit busy in trying to get things sorted for that and then the holiday. I’m still pretty desparate for play though, but I have some more time off coming up soon so that may be an opportunity…

If anyone’s reading this in Curacao and fancies hooking up the week after next, give me a shout Laughing

Lycra sports gear

Some rather fine pieces of Lycra gear from Pearl Izumi spotted on my travels…

Some cycling shorts with integrated MP3 player.. (why?!)

A very fine triathlon suit… yummy :)

Stretchy piercing

I’ve just stretched up my frenulum piercing up to 3mm (from 2mm) and this time it went really easily; I had trouble trying to do it 8 months or so ago.

It’s not obviously any bigger as the balls on the bar are the same size, but a closer look shows the, er, "aspect ratio" to look better. Anyone is welcome to give it a go… ;)

New toy

I’ve finally bought myself the gas mask I saw a while back.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with it. It’s great for breath control (poppers, asphyxia and rebreathing – fits my bag nicely), the rubber hose smells quite nice (to my boyfriend!) and is a lot easier to get on and off than regular gas masks. You also have room to fit a blindfold, or fit the mask over a hood which is great.

The mask part itself is a little small (although it fits me fine), but as you can inflate a rubber seal round the edges it seals well.

4 paws up ;)

Rubber dogs

Firstly, apologies for the total lack of words or pictures of late. I really must try harder – I shall give myself a severe spanking later.

When I saw this item, I couldn’t stop dribbling – I absolutely must have one! It’s a rubber sack with hood that forces your arms and legs to be folded, so you end up walking around on all fours, just like a pup :)

I saw it on Master Stigma‘s profile and he kindly pointed me at the manufacturer of it. I’d really like to play in his!

I’ve gotta have one :) You can get them from…

Cyber SM?

I’ve just read an article up on The Register where a BDSM "novice" explains in detail how she became a mistress up on the virtual reality game second life.

Maybe I should join, I think I’d get more action than in real life…

Speaking of which, sorry for the lack of posts of late, life’s like that sometimes!

Gaydar police

Strange, but good: I’m getting messages from police officers on gaydar…


Message From lgbtsouthwark
Sent Saturday 6 January 2007 16:40 Local Time
Profile lgbtsouthwark

Hi, my name is PC Russell Pritchard I am the full time lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans liaison officer for Southwark Police. I have a profile here on Gaydar and am messaging all the Southwark-based guys and girls to say hi.
You can contact me to make a report about LGBT hate-crime. I am also specially trained to assist victims of rape or sexual assault.
Feel free to visit my profile or add me to favourites just in case you ever need to speak to me. Get in touch if you have any concerns – or if you just want to say hi.

Caution: girlies

Now, I’m not bi, but just sometimes I get quite turned on by girlies in rubber – and not just any girl – boyish looking girls if you know what I mean… They do look absolutely fabulous in rubber, much more so than men I think. Probably something to do with all those curves.

Case in point: Kate Beckinsale in “Underworld”. I would…

Yuletide gifts for a perve

Of course, if you fancy sending any of these my way… ;)

Let us start with the DVDs:

The all-time classic with prosthetic nipplies

A rather depressing and arty look at the BDSM & HIV worlds:

A new one on me, although it does feature girlies:


Some books:

WOOF! and Grrr!

The story of O (which isn’t all that great to be honest):

The Vesuvius Club – which is great:


And finally, some toys!

An Axsmar collar:


 And two sorts of doggy hood that don’t look silly:

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