New pics from session with LondonRopeTop

Lycra bondage

Pics are up in the gallery

Mega Update

Lots of things to tell you about!

Firstly, the gallery has been updated – it may well have broken a few images in the process, so just shout if you see anything wrong.

And to go into it, a new set of pics from my session with LondonRopeTop. Genuinely, the best bondage session I think I’ve ever had :)

Lastly, to celebrate all of this, there’s 20% off in the shop right now. Just enter the coupon code mistletoe at the checkout.

Mum sends stripper to teenage son’s school

"She asked the lad to stand up, which he did, and told him he had been a very naughty boy because he hadn’t been doing his homework. Then she put on some Britney Spears music and got out a collar and lead from her bag and told him to put them on.

"No one could believe it. Next she ordered him to get on all fours, led him around the classroom and hit him 16 times – once for each year – on the bottom with her whip"

I wish this had happened to me, only perhaps not in school and with a guy instead of a gal. But hey…

Mum sends stripper to teenage son’s school | The Register

New pics!


Click for the gallery

Rubber hoodie

I’m really loving this rubber hoodie from BlackStyle – perhaps it has something to do with the very sexy boy inside it :)


BDSM in the mainstream: How to flog, from a morning newspaper

Click for biggerer

If I ever get arrested, this will happen to me

(Not that I expect plods to chain me to a wall or anything)

Bad thoughts

As I now seem to be getting more toppy in my dotage, this toy has got me thinking… :)


Any volunteers?

Works for me…

Click for bigger


Soul’s Haven

I’ve just filled out a rather detailed profile on Soul’s Haven – and you should too :)

Apart from being really quite detailed and thus giving a potential play partner a really good idea of what you do & don’t like, it can even compare two profiles and suggest good scenes. How handy!

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