
Folsom Street Fair banner

So, a great couple of weeks in California including a day out at the fantastic Folsom Street Fair with the very lovely Korbz and his Daddy. Met up with several great people from online (see, who says Twitter, FaceBook and Recon are just for online relationships) and did some touristy stuff too.

It was crazy busy (nearly 500k people apparently) and very hot, especially in rubber :p Bit disappointed that “lewd behaviour” was banned this year but it was still kinda fun to play a bit in scene outside with lots of people watching. Did get a few photos and plenty of people took them of us, so if you spot any, send ’em over!


Sadly I didn’t manage to find a fire hydrant on the street (I was looking for red, doh) but I did find one later :)


Next year I think we will go to Folsom Europe in Berlin, and maybe you’ll see us out and about on the scene a bit more before then. *wags*

My first porno

Well, second I suppose (the first was just some solo stills) and that’s ignoring this site too :) I answered a call from a friend on Twitter and thought a couple of days filming would be good fun. I won’t give out any detail but I have to say how impressed I was with the professionalism and organisation of the shoot – right  down to sexual health screening, model rights (including a safe word anyone could use at any time) and the general attitude of everyone towards safety.

I’m really glad I did it as it showed me how these films are actually made (they are genuinely hard work) and I was able to meet a great bunch of people that I’d be very happy to work with again.

It has got me thinking that this is an interesting new career, albeit one in which I’d be happier behind the camera instead of in front of it.

LondonRopeTop session

Some new pics in the gallery for you. I really enjoyed the asymmetric bondage; feels a lot different to just being bound up normally especially as I got to swing around a little. The hemp rope harness is all one continuous length. It’s really amazing work and I’m very lucky to get to play with him.

Asymmetric hemp bondage

Dog Hood Roundup

Rubber Dawg


Top to Bottom Leathers

Leather Dog Hood



Artikelnummer: 40526060198


Pretty Pervy

 Doggy Muzzle


Wet Hot


Mr S

Leather Dog Hood


And I’m sure I’ve missed a load: post them in the comments if you find anymore!


Is it just me or do you get more toppy the older you get? My owner and I do swap places from time-to-time and I enjoy tying him up and teasing him as much as he does me.

This afternoon I lashed him to a chair in the kitchen and left him to complain whilst I watered the garden (and him). Then we moved upstairs and he was unusually happy about spending time in the cage. He eventually begged to cum and I asked him why I should let him; to which he replied “reciprocation”.

Mr X

New collar

Fettered Pleasures kindly made me up a very lovely blue soft leather puppy collar. This was the last the leather too so I shall be a fairly individually dressed pup. I think it’s very cute :)


Kneepad roundup

Pups (especially elderly ones such as myself!) need knee protection if they’re to spend any time down on all fours particularly if it’s on hard floors.

I’ve tried loads of kneepads over the years and they’ve all been somewhat lacking – either they slip off (hard to put back on if you have mitts on) or bunch up round the back of the knee. It doesn’t matter which ones I tried – whether they be hard BMX ones, builder’s style or even dedicated kink ones, they all suffered from the usual issues.

However, I’ve recently splurged on a pair of Adidas wrestling kneepads which work really well.


They stay stuck on whilst scrabbling around and don’t bunch up too badly and come in several sizes. The only downside is the adidas logo (but I guess that could probably be removed) and the fact that they’re sold singly means that a pair is about

Half a Folsom outfit

A pair of arse zippered bleachers arrived the other day which I’m going to wear at Folsom along with some nice boots and an as yet undetermined rubber top (probably a hoodie if I can get one made up that I like). Oh, and my tail sticking out :)


My life as a dog

Not watched this yet, but if you’re in the UK you can watch it on iPlayer. Maybe there are some hints and tips? :)

SM Top Session

Last weekend I had a session with SM Top. I’d played with him a few years ago but hadn’t hooked up again for a while even though he lives within walking distance.

Recently I’ve gotten into pain a bit more (it used to be a total no no) and it seems that my nips are hardwired into my cock. I also love a bit of CBT :) Not quite got into a heavy spanking/flogging session yet but it’s something I’d like to experience with an experienced top.

Anyway, a couple of pics for you, including one that has miraculously made me look a bit tubby.



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