So, a great couple of weeks in California including a day out at the fantastic Folsom Street Fair with the very lovely Korbz and his Daddy. Met up with several great people from online (see, who says Twitter, FaceBook and Recon are just for online relationships) and did some touristy stuff too.
It was crazy busy (nearly 500k people apparently) and very hot, especially in rubber :p Bit disappointed that “lewd behaviour” was banned this year but it was still kinda fun to play a bit in scene outside with lots of people watching. Did get a few photos and plenty of people took them of us, so if you spot any, send ’em over!
Sadly I didn’t manage to find a fire hydrant on the street (I was looking for red, doh) but I did find one later :)
Next year I think we will go to Folsom Europe in Berlin, and maybe you’ll see us out and about on the scene a bit more before then. *wags*