Rope Bondage Part 2: Safety

Part 2 was going to include both a write up of safety aspects and some basic ropework, however I found that there was more than enough ground to cover from the safety side and that it probably warrants a post all of its own.


As well as being in the mood, it’s important to be comfortable when playing, so consider:

  • Room temperature: a barely clothed submissive restrained in one position for an extended period can get cold, so bump up the heating a notch or have blankets to hand. The converse can be true in summer or if you have a plaything clad head-to-toe in latex.
  • Lighting: avoid candles as they can get knocked over by rope ends whipping around. Use “LED tealights” or similar for atmospheric lighting. If you live out in the sticks and are prone to power outages have a flashlight to hand, but you probably do this already.
  • Hydration: tying and being tied is thirsty work, so have water on hand in either a bottle with a sports cap or a glass with a straw; it’s not always easy for the submissive to sit up and drink. Be aware of how long it would take to unpick your rope in case of the need for bathroom breaks.
  • Have a clear head: avoid intoxicating drugs, including alcohol.

Potential for harm

  • Know your submissive: do they have any medical conditions or injuries that you need to be aware of? Do they wear contacts? It might be useful to use a tool such as RACK or Jay Wiseman’s checklist to discover any potential issues. It goes without saying that you have explicit consent to tie someone up.
  • Physiology: rope bondage is designed to be constricting and can press on both blood vessels and nerves. Be particularly aware of tying directly over joints (instead tie either side) and places where nerve bundles run close to the surface such as the brachial plexus (clavicle / armpit) and the median nerve (bicep / tricep). You should always avoid tying around the front of the neck where a rope could constrict arteries and the trachea, in fact, I’d go further and suggest you skip the neck area entirely.
    As the dominant person it is your responsibility to look after the well-being of your submissive, so regularly check the temperature and colour of the submissive’s extremities. Cold, white fingers are an indication of impaired circulation and you should immediately loosen and check your ropework.
    You will not be able to tell by sight and touch whether you are causing any nerve damage. Check in with your sub from time-to-time and get them to tell you if they have any numbness or tingling, especially in fingers. Which brings us onto…
  • Communication: agree on a safe word – e.g. “banana” – something that you are unlikely to say in the normal throws of passion – that will immediately bring a scene to a halt. An alternative system is the traffic-light method (green=more of that please, amber=not so great, stop doing that and do something else, red=we’re stopping everything right now). If your submissive is gagged and unable to speak or you feel that verbal communication could interfere with a scene use hand squeezes (one squeeze=good, two=bad or similar) or give the sub something to hold that they drop at the sign of trouble.
    On a related note, it’s important to have a post session discussion about what went well, what didn’t – nothing too heavy, but be honest. Don’t expect everything to go perfectly the first time you try it!
  • If things start to go wrong: don’t freak, don’t panic, be cool and slowly unpick your rope. If you need to untie fast make sure you have a pair of safety scissors / EMT shears to hand. It’s much better to throw away a bit of rope then have a damaged sub.

Rope bondage in n lessons

First of all, let me just say that I’m not a shit-hot-rope-top, as the fabulous Midori says. I’m not Japanese and I definitely don’t speak any Japanese (my funny name, Loki, comes from Norse mythology by the way). Whilst I have a preference for Japanese-style rope bondage, I’m sure there are many practitioners of this ancient art that will cringe at my feeble attempts.

The most important things in rope bondage for me are:

  • That is must be safe – Japanese shibari / kinbaku has its origins in military restraint where things like tying around the neck are considered acceptable. Obviously not something you want to be doing to your beau.
  • That it’s sensual & sexy – there is very little point if neither the top or bottom are enjoying it. It can be pretty dull to simply lie someone down and spend half an hour tying a beautiful and intricate rope body harness if there’s no build up. The very act of doing the tying should be a kind of sensual foreplay in itself; drape the rope over the submissive’s body, let her smell it, blindfold him with it, tease them, tug them around with the rope so they can feel dominated… you get the idea.
    The flip-side of this is that if you want to really get into the art of tying, especially tying fast, then you need to practice and learn from books, magazines and your peers. Sometimes you can get away with tying on yourself but eventually you’re going to need something to play with :)
  • That I get tied up! – the point of rope bondage is ultimately not to be able to move very much and not to escape (although it is fun trying). You will see many amazing pictures of ultra-lithe models being shaped into the most beautiful positions – how long do you think they are held like that though? Just long enough for the photographer to do his work :) Your submissive needs to be relatively comfortable for a reasonable amount of time, yet kept right where you want them.

I have no idea how many installments there will be but if there’s anything you’d specifically like me to address, give me a shout.

Next time: rope basics & safety.

Slave Contracts

Recently I’ve been writing up a slave contract between myself and my owner and I thought I’d share a few of the things I’ve picked up whilst doing it. There are plenty of examples floating around the web but I don’t think anyone should just take a sample and use it as is. Think of a slave contract as a pre-nup or wedding vows. Everyone’s will be different. I’ve attached the one I ended up writing so you can see what I ended up with: Slave Contract

Important: I Am Not A Lawyer, although I do have a penchant for sexual legislation in general, and I don’t think that any slave contract would stand up in court (in fact there was a divorce case in which a slave contract featured – personally I wouldn’t like such a thing aired in public!).

A lot of people in a D/s relationship (and I use the term to encompass every variety) don’t feel the need to have a written contract, and that’s great. Some people may want to use a slave contract as a temporary tool so that a weekend scene can be conducted with boundaries, or as a gift between people that don’t normally have a 24×7 D/s relationship. You might also use it in a State where same-sex, polyamorous or alternative partnerships aren’t recognised. In this latter case you will probably also want more legally-solid documents in place like a will and power of attorney – consult your solicitor :)

The things I think you should cover:

  1. Terms
    Define yourselves (which can be tricky) so are you boy & Owner, slave & Master?
  2. Duration
    How long is the contract for? Open ended or temporary (set start and end times in that case)? Who can break it (and how – safeword)?
  3. Scope
    Where the D/s situation can take place – public and private or just at home? Ultimately most subs have to work and have a vanilla life with friends & family who may not understand a slavery contract. Maybe you can have a trigger word? Should the submissive wear something to mark them as property, e.g. a locking collar or chastity.
  4. The submissive’s roles and duties
    What are they responsible for? Housework, running the household (bills, shopping), cooking, laying out the Master’s clothes, maintaining toys etc.
  5. The Master’s responsibilties
    Keeping the submissive safe and well (physically & mentally), the sub’s attire, deciding on hairstyle and body modification.
  6. Sex
    Is the sub free to play with others? If so, what restrictions (safe sex, asking permissions etc.)? Can the Master include others? Is it the duty of the sub to find others? Is the sub permitted to orgasm by themselves (again, chastity required)? What scenes are acceptable and what are not?
  7. Property
    Does the sub give away their belongings to their Master? Does their body become their Master’s property?
  8. Punishment
    What circumstances will the submissive be punished and what form will the punishment take (spanking, caning, cage time, orgasm denial etc.)?
  9. Volition
    Both parties should sign and it should be witnessed if this is a major life changing contract leading to 24×7 slavery. A video interview might be also be useful.

Jaiden rVa James

After I posted a screencap from Have I Got News For you on Twitter of some hot guys in rubber asking what it was all about, I was pointed at two designers; Jaiden rVa James. They’ve designed for Lady Gaga, so it’s no surprise that their collection features lots of rubber, harnesses and straijackets. Yum!

jaiden-rva-james-1 jaiden-rva-james-3

I think my favourite has to be these purple rubber lace-up leggings though:










Now, where can I get these and how will I afford them? :)

A fantasy I just have to share

I guess it has something to do with the cold remedy I took before bed last night, but I certainly had one of the most lucid dreams I’ve ever had. It’s partly inspired by a recent boundgods scene and an unfolding story on Metalbond’s blog.

0 It all starts with me in a straight jacket and chastity device being left in a padded cell. Not sure what I’ve done, but I probably asked for it :) Every so often my jailer comes in, flips me over and works ever larger plugs into me. As the mood takes him, he fucks me then replaces the plug trapping his cum inside me. I’m not sure how long I’ve agreed to be in this situation, but it’s certainly many hours, if not days. To keep me well, there’s a hydration tube (like the ones you get for walking/running) through the cell door that I can just reach and take drinks from.


Nature takes its course and I need to piss. My jailer leaves a metal bucket for me to piss in but I can’t go  as I’m hard and straining against the cock cage. I’m tied against the back wall and the cage removed. A catheter is inserted, but the scratchy pain makes me go soft allowing the cage to back on – I instantly try to get hard again. One relief is seeing my piss fill up the cath bag next to me. I keep drinking and keep pissing. Eventually the bag is full and my jailer seemingly takes it away, but little do I know that the next time I take a drink from the hydration tube it will be piss. I’m recycling!

Some time later, probably at night, my jailer returns and hoods me with a leather bag-type hood. I can’t see anything but the smell is intoxicating. I’m stood up and I’m forced to put on what feels like a tight jockstrap and some boots. I’m lead out of the cell, down a lift and into an underground car park where I’m bundled into the back of a van.

A drive later and I hear the van door slide open and I’m hauled out into the night(?) air. I can feel a breeze round my bare ass and I feel pretty vulnerable. Suddenly I’m inside a stifling warm building in which I can hear music and the faintest whiff of piss and poppers. The hood’s rapidly removed and I recognise myself as being in The Backstreet, but not before I’m roughly bent over the bar and roped in place. For some bizarre reason it’s Ben In Leatherland doing the tying which I’m very happy about :) I’m stretched and vulnerable and the clientele all line up to take turns pounding me.

At the end of the ordeal, untied, but still caged, jocked and straightjacketed, I’m pushed out into the night streets.


Some notes: It’s taken ages to write this all down as every time I finish a paragraph I’m left with a huge boner that has to be dealt with. I’m also definitely not advocating barebacking with a club full of strangers! If you wanna do the rest to me though, drop me a line!

Reading Material

I’ve added a blogroll fed from my Google Reader shared items . You can follow it via Atom or friend me on reader itself.

I’m a big RSS fan (in some ways it’s better than twitter, but hey, I like both) but I’ve recently split out the naughtiness from a vanilla reader account into a new one so I hope to share a bit more filth this way.

Berlin Session Photos

We spent a nice few days in Berlin at The Hoist Basements which has a huge basement dungeon, so I’ve posted up some pics for you in the gallery.

Loki tied up

I’m going to write up a summary shortly of all the playroom apartments there are in Berlin as we’ve stayed in a few now!


Folsom Street Fair banner

So, a great couple of weeks in California including a day out at the fantastic Folsom Street Fair with the very lovely Korbz and his Daddy. Met up with several great people from online (see, who says Twitter, FaceBook and Recon are just for online relationships) and did some touristy stuff too.

It was crazy busy (nearly 500k people apparently) and very hot, especially in rubber :p Bit disappointed that “lewd behaviour” was banned this year but it was still kinda fun to play a bit in scene outside with lots of people watching. Did get a few photos and plenty of people took them of us, so if you spot any, send ’em over!


Sadly I didn’t manage to find a fire hydrant on the street (I was looking for red, doh) but I did find one later :)


Next year I think we will go to Folsom Europe in Berlin, and maybe you’ll see us out and about on the scene a bit more before then. *wags*

My first porno

Well, second I suppose (the first was just some solo stills) and that’s ignoring this site too :) I answered a call from a friend on Twitter and thought a couple of days filming would be good fun. I won’t give out any detail but I have to say how impressed I was with the professionalism and organisation of the shoot – right  down to sexual health screening, model rights (including a safe word anyone could use at any time) and the general attitude of everyone towards safety.

I’m really glad I did it as it showed me how these films are actually made (they are genuinely hard work) and I was able to meet a great bunch of people that I’d be very happy to work with again.

It has got me thinking that this is an interesting new career, albeit one in which I’d be happier behind the camera instead of in front of it.

LondonRopeTop session

Some new pics in the gallery for you. I really enjoyed the asymmetric bondage; feels a lot different to just being bound up normally especially as I got to swing around a little. The hemp rope harness is all one continuous length. It’s really amazing work and I’m very lucky to get to play with him.

Asymmetric hemp bondage

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