Scams on Recon?

Received this message from someone with a new profile on Recon (I shan’t link to it). Never really had anything like it before. I don’t think it’s genuine :)

sub,u must consider yourself lucky for been the one to inherit my blessings even though i know nothing about you other than your profile on recon.I can not move on with the pains and stress anymore and if you do not get my monies it will rotten there and of no good so it will be up to you to make up your mind now.You are only lucky that your profile first caught my attention,i do not have any family or relative and that should answer your question as regards why you have been chosen.

I am in new york,Usa now on medications and we can discuss on my mobile once it is well charged today (xxxx) we can discuss on phone tomorrow.Here is the custodian managers email xxxx do contact him via email to request for his mobile number and also to fix an appointment as regards the specific hour u will be meeting him to collect my monies so u can have the legal documents confirming my approval for the change of ownership to your name.copy me the email xxxx

Recon skinhead

Recon have launched some new skinhead items in their store and the amazingly cute boy who was teased a few months ago is now available! Well, he’s probably not for sale but he does look really very fine in rubber.

Anyone know from where he can be procured?

Friday play

We have a fellow kinkster staying with us at the moment which makes it easy for a spot of play. He really likes tit play, so much so that he ended up with very sore nipples rubbing on his shirt the next day after I used tit pumps on him. He seemed happy though :)

Griff The Invisible

Finally managed to get to see Griff The Invisible this weekend which stars Ryan Kwanten as a bit of a loaner with a superhero fixation bordering on dissociative identity disorder. Needless to say he spends a lot of time in rubber and lycra. Nom. It’s a bit of weird film, but if I’m honest you get to see a lot more of him tied up and naked in True Blood.


Who’s the very cute rubber mohawk boy in this Recon advert?

He’s advertising their “skinhead” range (although I can’t find that very sexy Recon-branded rubber shirt in the store either…) :

Update: seems they’re some promo pics for new gear coming shortly. Can’t wait to see more of the boy rubber.

Session with LondonRopeTop

Spent a few hours with a top I’ve played with many times before, LondonRopeTop. I adore his rope work, but there was also lots of rubber involved :)

The very heavy rubber breath-play hood was new to me and I really enjoyed the rebreather, but it’s definitely something I’d only do with someone I’d totally trust.

Some pics below:

Epix Triathlon Gear

I saw these suits mentioned on twitter a while back, and arranged to have one delivered whilst I was out in California recently (hey, it saves on shipping!). They look and feel great :)

SF Armory:

I can heartily recommend a trip around the SF Armory home of if you ever find yourself in San Francisco. You can get to see not only the sets that are the home of, and the like, but also the amazing drill court. If you were watching the live cams on on Thursday evening you may even have seen me :)

Update 30/8/11: if you use the code “KinkFriend50” you’ll get 50% off if you want to go yourself. Not sure how long the offer if valid for though.

Army rubber gear

I was in San Francisco last week and as my return flight was horribly delayed I had an unexpected extra day in the city and decided to head up to the Marin Headlands to take a look at the old Nike missile site there. The missiles were liquid fueled with red fuming nitric acid & unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine both are which are horrid, so the launch crews had to wear full-body rubber suits and respirators.


Now, I’m not normally one for this sort of gear but I have to say they looked pretty hot :)

Marshall Allman Puppy Play

If you follow True Blood, you’ll know a couple of the characters can “shape-shift” into dogs. One of their characters, Marshall Allman, seems to have decided to demonstrate puppy play…



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