Folsom Favourites

From Recon’s photo gallery.

From the archives: piss in Berlin

From a very memorable week in the hoist basements in Berlin.



I’m a pretty lucky guy having played with LondonRopeTop on many occasions over the years, and a day off for me last week happened to coincide with free time for him, setting up a full day of play.

I started out roped to the bars with a leather hood on which was deftly upgraded to a rubber breath control one and a posture collar along with my new straightjacket which I’d brought with me too. After a couple of hours of teasing, rebreathing and nitrous I was struggling with the position and a large part of me wanted out: I was really thrashing around trying to escape which seemed to really turn LondonRopeTop on.

After a break for lunch I ended up in a suspension which was actually amazingly comfortable – most of the load was taken on my side – and I loved blindly spinning around.


RubAddiction: a tale of two straight jackets

Back in February, having been persuaded by advice on Twitter, I placed an order for a latex straight jacket from a firm based in Berlin, RubAddiction. I wanted a little customisation of the stock design they had up on their site but they told me they were working on a new design of SJ that might be what I was after instead and sent some working photos. All looked good, so I sent them €500 and my measurements (the same as I’d used for my birthday suit) and waited for it to arrive.

After a month, a package from Germany arrived and I eagerly asked my owner to fit me into it only to be totally devastated: it was too long, too wide, the collar was way too high and the buckles didn’t meet up at the back. I emailed RubAddiction but it took nearly a month to get a reply and get their agreement to send it back for alteration.

It took until July for a corrected SJ to be made up and sent out. Unfortunately some of the straps had been attached the wrong way round so back it went again. Luckily the turnaround was a bit quicker so nearly 6 months after placing my order do I now have a jacket that fits.

The positive: now they’ve dialled in the pattern it’s an absolutely beautiful thing. The fit is perfect and the blend of smokey black latex and metal hardware is incredibly sexy.

This is the sad thing about the experience: RubAddiction make some amazing latex and have design flair that virtually no one else making men’s gear can match. It’s so infuriating that it’s all let down by poor communication. I’ve had custom gear made in the past and I know how long it can take to make so it’s not the length of time I’m upset about; just set my expectations and stick to them.

Anyway, to the pictures!


RubAddiction SJ
Fettered pleasures latex hood
Master U leather restraints
ErosTek ET312
Electro sound and cock ring from fettered pleasures
Hitachi magic wand

Recon event boy

And how come I didn’t “bump” in you?

Rubber dog boy

I was sent this but couldn’t find the original source – if anyone knows, I’d love to credit it (and get a higher res copy)

Wind surfer

You never know what you might find down by the river.


A great stack of new puppy gear from Mr S this week! A new leather puppy hood (although I still think the Blackstyle rubber one looks better), leather and neoprene muzzles and 15% off square peg tails.

Fun with @BoundFeather

A very pleasant Sunday afternoon with @BoundFeather – as it was far too hot no rubber featured. Perhaps next time! You can also find him on Recon.

Mr S Rubber

I guess Mr S doesn’t naturally spring to mind when it comes to rubber gear, but they definitely make some great-fitting patterns and their models are fantastically hot. What’s more, they’re doing free shipping until May 20th for all you lovely American chaps..

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